This time I would like to share a super simple, but at the same time, very delicious recipe for a watermelon salad with crisp pumpkin seeds and feta cheese.
I typically make and serve this watermelon salad when I am having a barbecue party - I think it is because it is a very summer-like salad and therefore is perfect for an outdoor barbecue. However, of course it is a great salad all year round and it goes perfect with most meat.
I am always ending up making this salad when I have bought a too large watermelon for my afternoon fruit snack. Then I always save half the watermelon for the day after and then I make this melon salad.
As said, this salad is super easy to make. You simply just cut the fresh watermelon into smaller cubes and mix it with some lightly dry-fried pumpkin seeds and feta cheese. Decorate the salad in a flat salad dish and if you like, add some chopped parsley on the top - it is that simple to make this delicious salad.
Watermelon Salad
2-4 people
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes
Danish title: Vandmelon salat
Category: salad
1/2 watermelon, diced
100-150 g (3.5-5.5 oz) feta cheese
75 g (2.5 oz) pumpkin seeds
a little chopped parsley
1. Open up the watermelon, remove the seeds and dice the watermelon meat.
2. Dice the feta cheese.
3. Roast the pumpkin seeds on a dry and hot frying pan. Roast for a couple of minutes.
4. On a nice salad plate; mix the diced watermelon and feta cheese. Sprinkle the top of the salad with the roasted pumpkin seeds and some freshly chopped parsley.

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